Keeping your swimming pool clean and operational is a good thing to do because not only does it stay sparkling clean to look at, but it is safer and healthier to swim in. The secret to a clean swimming pool is regular and routine swimming pool maintenance.

One of the easiest tasks to perform is to make it a habit to skim the surface of pool every day or so to remove floating debris that accumulates overnight. Bugs, leaves and other debris will collect and eventually sink. By using a long handled skimmer with a net on the end, you can prevent all of this having to be run through the pool’s circulation system and accumulating in the filter apparatus.

Also, daily cleaning of the pool’s strainer baskets that attached in the pool deck helps the pool circulation and lessens the chlorine demand on the pool.

A good swimming pool maintenance policy is to vacuum the pool at least once a week, or more often if a storm just came through or significant debris has accumulated on the bottom. If you have a manual vacuum, use it just like you would if you were vacuuming a carpet in your home. Try to overlap each stroke a little to compensate for areas you might have missed. Each time you vacuum, you can also check the pool filter and see if it needs cleaning as well.

In addition to vacuuming, brushing down the walls of the pool will help to minimize the buildup of algae and calcium deposits on the sides. For plaster lined pools a stiff brush on a pole will work the best, and for tiled pools a softer brush works better so you won’t scratch the tiles.

Cleaning the filter of the pool on a regularly scheduled basis helps to keep the pool clean. If you have sand or diatomaceous earth filters, it will involve back washing the filters to remove the dirt and debris that has accumulated. If you have cartridge filters it may amount to the actual replacement of the filter.

Check the water level, especially in the heat of the summer, because water is lost by swimming and splashing, as well as evaporation. Don’t let the water level fall below the level of the skimmer, and if it gets close to that level, fill with the garden hose.

Finally, you swimming pool maintenance requires that you test the pool water regularly to ensure that the pH and chlorine levels are maintained properly. Give Tropix Pools a call to keep your clean pool and summer party ready!